Iron Blog Part one importance of iron, iron deficiency anaemia, low iron, haemoglobin, heme vs non heme, haem vs non haem, symptoms of low iron

Iron - Part One

Welcome to our iron mini-series!

We are delighted to present a short, sharp and sweet series on Iron.

We are going to cover all things iron over a three-part series, so sign up to our emails NOW to get early access and ensure you don’t miss out!

Let’s take a look at what we are going to cover…

  • What is iron and why is it so important?
  • Iron deficiency
  • How much iron do you need? (RDI)
  • Sources of iron
  • Haem VS non-haem
  • Synthetic vs wholefood iron supplements
  • Iron overload
  • The iron recycling system
  • The big 5 iron boosting co-factors – where you might be going wrong when it comes to getting those iron levels up!

Okay let’s dive in..

IRON. What is it? Why is it so important?

Iron is one of the most abundant elements on earth and is an essential trace mineral in humans.

Trace minerals function primarily as catalysts in enzyme systems, facilitate a number of biochemical reactions, are crucial for growth and development, support neurological functions, are essential for hormone production, assist the body in heavy metal detoxification and participate in oxidation-reduction reactions in energy metabolism.

Iron is a trace mineral that is critical to our health. Its uses in the body include supporting muscle metabolism and healthy connective tissue in addition to aiding in physical growth, neurological development, cellular function, hormone synthesis and immune function. 

Iron plays a vital role in blood production and oxygen transportation as it is found in two very important (haem) proteins: haemoglobin and myoglobin. 

Approximately 70% of your body's iron is found in haemoglobin and myoglobin. 

Haemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells (erythrocytes) that supports transporting oxygen from the lungs to bodily tissues – it also gives blood its red colour. 

Myoglobin is the protein found in muscle tissue that helps to store and transport oxygen into muscle cells. Myoglobin is responsible for the red colour for muscle tissue and is essential for muscle function. 

Have you ever had low iron and been absolutely exhausted

The reason for this is….. no oxygen = no energy!

A common symptom of iron deficiency is lack of energy and extreme fatigue. 

 Other symptoms include:  

  • weakness
  • dizziness
  • shortness of breath/breathlessness
  • heart palpitations
  • pale skin
  • GI upset
  • problems with memory 
  • poor concentration
  • cold hands and feet

In addition, people find it difficult to work, exercise and due to a weakened immune system are less able to fight off infections.

Infants and children with anaemia may develop learning difficulties.

What is iron deficiency anaemia?

It is defined as haemoglobin below two standard deviations of the mean for the age and gender of the patient. Essentially it is a condition in which red blood cells contain less haemoglobin, this results in a decreased capacity for the blood to carry and deliver oxygen from the lungs throughout the body.

Iron deficiency anaemia has been recognised by The World Health Organisation as the most common nutritional deficiency in the world, with 30% of the worldwide population being affected with this condition. The WHO estimates that 40% of children aged 6–59 months, 37% of pregnant women, and 30% of women aged 15–49 years worldwide are anaemic.

In Australia approximately 12% of women, 8% of preschool aged children, and 20% of people over 85 years are anaemic. 

There are many causes of iron deficiency anaemia. Inadequate dietary iron intake is considered the most common nutritional deficiency leading to anaemia.

Nutrient deficiencies in vitamin A, copper, vitamin B9 (folate), vitamin B12 and vitamin B2 (riboflavin) can also result in anaemia due to their specific roles in the production of red blood cells and the iron recycling system (more on this in part 3).

Beef Liver is abundant in all of these nutrients!

Other causes include: 

  • Decreased nutrient absorption due to celiac disease or leaky gut (increased intestinal permeability)
  • Inflammation
  • Chronic diseases
  • Red blood cell disorders
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding 
  • Postpartum haemorrhage

Those most at risk are:

  • Young children
  • Menstruating adolescent girls 
  • Menstruating women
  • Pregnant and postpartum women
  • Elderly
  • Those on certain diets: vegetarian and vegan
  • Those with the above-mentioned health conditions

For those with iron deficiency anaemia it can be a vicious cycle of eating quick, convenient foods over nutrient dense foods due to the exhaustion and fatigue, which results in continuously feeling fatigued and run down as your body continues to lack the needed nutrients for energy production and oxygen transportation.

If you are not sure where to start with increasing your iron, then stay tuned for Part 2!

We will be covering:

  • The best sources of iron
  • haem vs non haem 
  • Iron supplementation (wholefood vs synthetic)
  • Common iron absorption inhibitors
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